The following BBC websites have all sorts of links to educational resources for the different curriculum areas. Click on each one to see what's on offer:
The following websites have lots of Maths questions, games, problems and times tables exercises as well as guidance for parents (K7Maths Gems for parents), there should be something for all ages. Click on each one to find out what there is:
These next web links will take you to websites with literacy resources to help in all areas from spelling, punctuation and grammar to letter sounds and stories, click on each one to find out what there is:
Top Marks - Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Primary Hoemwork Help - Literacy
Phonics Play Comics - when you click on this link you may need to log on with the following - username: march20 and password: home
BBC Bitesize Literacy Page - KS2
BBC Bitesize Literacy Page - KS1
There is currently a an offer on a great website called Twinkl where you can access all sorts of great resources for all age groups! You will need to enter your email address and a password then use a free access code UKTWINKLHELPS once you click on the below link: