Pupil Premium


‘Pupil Premium’ is a fixed sum of money allocated to schools to support those children who most need additional support. It is targeted to help children overcome the barriers they face to their learning. The main barriers we have identified are:

  • Language development (specifically talking and reading)
  • Social and emotional aspects of learning
  • Enrichment and experience
  • Learning to learn -  learning dispositions
  • Attendance & Punctuality (including ‘persistent absenteeism’)


We encourage all parents and carers to check if you are eligible for Free School Meals, dependent on whether you are in receipt of certain benefits, or if you are a member of the armed services.  If you are are unsure whether you are eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the School Office for the details for our eligibility checker website address or application form.


Pupil Premium

Updated: 23/02/2025 121 KB